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2020 全球机器学习技术大会
Marty Cagan | 卓越产品经理方法
2019 全球产品经理大会 - 深圳站
2019 全球C++软件技术大会
Android 性能模式
Rendering Performance 101
Understanding Overdraw
Understanding VSYNC
Tool - Profile GPU Rendering
Why 60fps
Android UI and the GPU
Invalidations, Layouts, and Performance
Overdraw, Cliprect, QuickReject
Battery Performance 101
Understanding Battery Drain on Android
Battery Drain and WakeLocks
Garbage Collection in Android
Memory Performance 101
Performance Cost of Memory Leaks
Memory Monitor
Memory Churn and Performance
DesignBytes Intro To Material Design
Intro To Material Design
Material Design in the Google I-O App
Paper and Ink- The Materials that Matter
Density-independent Pixels
Web 开发技巧
Fabulous Forms for the multi-device web
Building sites for the multi-device web
Getting Your PageSpeed Score Up
HTTP 203
CSS Triggers
Pointer Events
Frame Timing
Font Rendering
Three Flaws in Software Design
Writing Code that isn't Needed
Not Making the Code Easy to Change
Being Too Generic
Incremental Development & Design + Wrap-up